People with OCD have intrusive and repeated thoughts on topics that can vary from person to person. Many of these thoughts are fears based in, but not limited to: contamination, violence, religion, and sexual acts. In order for the distress surrounding the obsessional thoughts to decrease, an individual will perform rituals or compulsions (mental and/or behavioral) again and again. These obsessions feel dramatically uncharacteristic to the person and often times seem to make no sense to the individual as well. Yet despite these insights, the rituals persist and feel beyond their control.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP) is one of the top and most effective treatments for OCD. In ERP, clients are repeatedly exposed to their fears without engagement in rituals that they typically use in attempts to decrease their distress. In turn, our brains then get used to the fear and our obsessions are no longer as pervasive. Through ERP you gain practical tools to actually change the way your brain works and decrease the presence of OCD in your life.


Exposure & Response Prevention Therapy